Match Kicks is the innovative creation of Neapolitan Group Inc., comprised of diverse, leadership-oriented individuals who believe in the power of originality. We bring creative technology to the sneaker fashion scene, helping our customers stay unique. Our mission is to assist you in matching your favorite sneakers and shoes, or even your entire sneaker collection. We're committed to pushing the boundaries of sneaker fashion because our customers expect nothing less—and so do we.

About Us

The Vision

Our vision is to provide opportunities for customers to express themselves by matching and setting fashion trends!

The team behind the brand

Matchkicks is the ultimate brian child of the Neapolitan Group Inc. We’re a group composed of  diverse, leadership-oriented individuals who believe in the power of being original and different.  MatchKicks brings creative technology to the sneaker fashion game to keep up with our customers’s desires to stay original . We’re excited to help our customers achieve their fashion  needs by helping them match their favorite sneaker and shoes (or entire sneaker collection.)  We will continue to push the envelope when it comes to sneaker fashion! Our customers won't have it any other way and neither will MatchKicks!